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© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

And On We Go

Tomorrow is August 23rd.   It will be a difficult day for me.  It shouldn’t be, and I know Marilene would scold me, (Rudy won’t be happy with me, either) but I will grieve nonetheless.  On August 23rd, 1926,  Rudolph Valentino drew his final mortal breath.  He was just a little over 31 years old.  Only his manager was with him when he crossed over at 12:10PM  New York time. 

But that was then…. It is time for us to go on.

My next session with Marilene was in September, 2008.

Begin tape........
“Rudy is showing me that we need to go to California.  I see us in California just going different places and picking up vibrations.  I think it would be very healing.  It would bring something full circle.....Pause.... And, I know you don’t want to do it.  That’s what he’s telling me.”

(I started laughing.) That’s an understatement!  Every time I think about it, I just balk.  (When I would think about it, I felt like a horse refusing a jump.  It was like “yes, yes, yes. NO...skid”  The thought of walking into that mausoleum was terrifying to me.)

“Which cemetery is he in?”

Hollywood Forever.  I’m afraid it will trigger grief.  I’m finally free of it.  The last week or so, I’ve been almost euphoric.

“Your joy has come back into your life.  You’re alive!”

I received a phone call from a friend I hadn’t talked to in quite a while.  We hadn’t been talking long when all of a sudden she asked, “What is going on?  You sound so different.”  I am hearing that all the time..... I sound so different or I look so different.

“Rudy’s showing me something.  When I see your energy field today, instead of it running in a linear fashion (Marilene moves her hand back and forth in a horizontal direction), I’m experiencing it as totally vertical.  Everything is lining up in the dimensions.  He is perfectly lined up with you.”

“You’ve had to go through the mourning that you went through but you couldn’t sustain it, because it was keeping him from getting through to you, and it was holding him back, too.  You’re both now in a place where you can co-create together.  He’s saying that by October 18th there will be this huge phase that’s going to begin”

(If you work with Marilene, even if you’ve known her for quite a while, there will still be times when she will absolutely knock you out of your shoes.  This was one of those times.)  (When I could finally speak.......) Don and I are arriving at the Greenbrier on October 18th(My heart was pounding.)

“The hair is standing up on my arms.  I love this!  It’s not that I have doubts, but there are sometimes when Rudy will just drop these things to me and they are so accurate.  That trip to the Greenbrier is important.  Something very important is going to happen there.”

(I direct you back to the photos I showed you of the lounge on the Leviathan and the two of the Trellis Room at the Greenbrier, and the description of what happened to me when I walked into that room the first time.  That took place on October 18th.  I received another large piece of the puzzle.)

“Rudy is frustrated......he’s saying that there are many things he would have rather been known for than just being an actor.  He’s saying, ‘it’s not like I didn’t appreciate what it brought with it, but I was so much more than an actor’.”

Most people have no idea what he was really like.  He loved to tinker.  Every time he got a new camera or car, he would take it apart to see how it worked, then put it back together again.  He was a terrific mechanic.  His taste and sense of style were impeccable. He was very proud of his collections of antiques including a large collection of swords and knives.  He had a nice sized library.  He read, spoke, and wrote at least four languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, and he knew quite a bit of German.  Many of the books in his library were written in French.  He was so loving and kind.  He loved to cook, and was quite good at it. (I just started shaking my head.)

(My dear Readers.....He was also a dedicated athlete and an expert horseman.  No one could double him on a horse, and no one ever did.  If you see his character riding a horse in a film, it is Rudy.  In THE EAGLE, it is Rudy who leaps from horseback onto the runaway team to stop the carriage.  Actually, the only time he was doubled in a film was in MORAN OF THE LADY LETTY.  When the script called for a fight up in the ship’s rigging, Rudy wanted to do it, but the director and producer said absolutely not!  As soon as the scene was shot, Rudy climbed the rigging, anyway.  It is Rudy in THE SON OF THE SHEIK who dives off the second floor balcony, grabs the chandelier, swings and drops to the floor.  He loved to box and one of his close friends was Jack Dempsey.

...and now from Rudy, himself:  From an interview conducted in late 1925 by J.K. Winkler.  “Heaven knows I’m no sheik!  Look at this ‘sleek, black hair’.  Getting a bit thin about the temples, isn’t it?.....I had to pose as a sheik for five years!.....A lot of perfumed ballyhooing was my own fault.  I wanted to make a lot of money and so I let them play me up as a lounge lizard, a soft handsome devil whose only aim in life was to sit around and be admired by women.  And all that time, I was a farmer at heart and still am......”  The degree he earned in Italy was in “Agriculture”.  Actually today it would be more like “Landscape Design”.  Rudy loved the earth and growing things.  He did most of the landscaping around Falcon Lair himself.) 

(I now return to the session)

“This is the funniest thing.  He keeps saying something to me about “How’s life in the vineyard?”  Okay, I’ll ask her.  Does that mean something?”

(Kaaaapoowww!  Time to retrieve my shoes again!)  Last night I had a dream.  I was in a house, I don’t know where.  I do know that it was surrounded by a vineyard.  I was barefoot and carrying a baby boy, maybe 8 to 9 months old, on my hip.  I walked out the door and there was Rudy on his knees digging in a flower bed.  He was planting something.  I remember carrying the baby over, and Rudy stood up grinning.  He held out his hands, and I handed him the child.  He raised him over his head, then cuddled him against his chest.  The way he looked at me, Marilene!  I was so happy I started to cry and woke myself up, damn it.

“Remember what I said about the waking and dreaming states?  That seemed like a dream, but it was really happening in a different dimension.”..........End tape.

I will leave it to Marilene to try to explain that last statement, because I’m still not sure I understand it completely. 

I continue to have the dream occasionally.  It is more vivid each time I have it.  I am to the point now, where I see the entire house.  It’s old and built on a hillside.  The kitchen is where I always start.  Sometimes the baby is there, sometimes he’s outside with his father.  The floor of the kitchen is flagstone and smooth from years of wear.  I’m always barefoot and can feel the coolness of the stone.  There is a large hearth at the end where the table and chairs are.  The window over the sink looks out over the back yard and the vineyard.  It’s open and a breeze blows in.  The curtains are all handmade lace.  They are old and a little yellowed from the sun.  I am very happy and content.

I will drop a little teaser here.  My next post will reveal the most dramatic occurrence I have experienced since this story began.  It has to do with the gift of a red rose.  So stay tuned.

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