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© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, July 30, 2010

My Research Begins

Marilene had promised me that I was not losing my mind.  Okay so I had known Rudolph Valentino in my last life.  Right.  Do you know how hard it was to try to come to grips with that little detail?  After over two years of living with this, I still have moments when I question it.  They don’t last long, because inevitably something happens to convince me once again.

One outcome of my talk with Marilene was I acquired and read several books written by Carl Jung.  “Synchronicity” is a word with which I am now very familiar! 

Unfortunately, that good feeling I had when I left Marilene’s began to fade fairly quickly, because I was still in denial.  I struggled to accept what she’d said.  I suppose it was a hangover from having a physician and a nurse as parents, and my own nurses training.  Science says......prove.  Also, I continued to feel wholly embarrassed by it all.  I now had someone with whom I could talk about what I was feeling and what was happening, but my reticence to speak with anyone other than Marilene continued unabated.

I began to meditate regularly.  The centering and calming effect of meditation was exactly what I needed.  I knew that there was so much more that I needed to learn and understand.  I returned to Marilene on June 23, 2008.

Begin tape.........
“Have you learned anymore about the bracelet?”

(The bracelet again!)
I found one reference that states that the bracelet might have been taken off of him (It was an obscure statement I found on one website.  When I read it I thought, “They didn’t take it off of him.  He didn’t have it on.  He didn’t take it to New York with him.”  Now, how the hell did I know that?)  But all other sources say he was buried with it.  You said last week that we had a past life connection?

“Absolutely!  I have no doubt about it.  You were young.  You had a major connection.  I can see you sitting, and I see your eyes meeting and you two talking.  He preferred on this night when you met, to be sitting with you...whew, I’m sweating...I am hot!  He comes in in a different way.  I never let them speak through me, but he’s coming about as close as anybody has.”

“Okay, I’m getting Feb 25th Something happened Feb 25, 1925, but I think you saw him in 1926 before he died.  He is showing me three times.  Okay, we’ve got Feb 25th 1925, but he’s showing me June 11th  through 23rd , 1926.  It’s not like you were just somewhere at night, you were staying.  Well, no wonder you guys had a connection!  It’s like he’s definitely acknowledging this big time.”

“Whatever connection you had was very powerful, it was empowering for both of you.  Okay, here he comes again....” (Marilene lifts her hair off the back of her neck.  She’s perspiring).  “When you first met, there was a party or gathering at someone’s house.....You were very cute, but shy and felt very left out.  I feel like you were sitting by yourself.  He was sick of all the frivolity and people.  It just changed your life that his man would be talking to you.  He drew you out.”  (.....long pause, Marilene’s eyes are closed......) “I feel like I’m up, like up in hills.  Wherever this house is it’s up high.”

His last house was named Falcon Lair, and it was very high up in the hills. (My stomach is trying to flop completely out of my body.)

“I’m sure he’s showing me that house.  You were there.  It was high up in the hills.”

“Now he’s talking to me about how much he loved animals.  I see a fence.” (......long pause.......) “This is interesting.  There is something about the bracelet again.  He takes issue with it being called a ‘slave’ bracelet.”     ...........End tape.

The bracelet again!  I felt an intense drive to find that bracelet.  When I would think about it, I got an antsy feeling.  I needed to be doing more to try to recover it.  Why??  In my research I'd  found that one comment stating that it may have been taken off of him.  I started to get angry.  No, no no!  It couldn't have been taken off of him in New York because he didn’t have it with him.  He left the bracelet at Falcon Lair.

All right....the bracelet was at Falcon Lair when Rudy died.  He was not buried with it.  How on earth was I going to prove that it wasn't in the coffin with him and then find out where it was?  I needed eyes and ears in LA.  I could think of only one way to proceed.  I googled ‘Private Investigators, LA’.  Uh, there are millions of them!  I'd never had any dealing with private detectives.  Sam Spade and Phillip Marlowe were the only private eyes I knew about.  One small problem.....they were both fictional characters.   How on earth could I choose?  Once again, I was pulled toward one listing in particular.  I examined the firm's website and read many of the testimonials.  Yes, this felt right.  Finally I took a deep breath and gathered my courage,  picked up the phone and called. 

Mike McCormick spent years as a detective on the LA police force.  He knows Hollywood inside and out.  I quickly found out that he also is a huge classic film buff.  When I told Mike what I wanted him to investigate, his first words to me were “Katherine, tell me why."  Oh, dear.  I answered as best I could telling him that I was a huge Valentino fan and had become interested in the bracelet and its whereabouts.

Mike responded, "I thought he was buried with it?”

I replied, “No, he wasn’t.  I’m sure of it.”

Mike admitted he was intrigued and agreed to take the case.  I gave him as much information as I could:  Rudy’s manager’s name, the name of the auction house that handled the estate sale, and the name of the sale agent.  All this information I gleaned from the biography, Dark Lover

In a very few days, I received an email from Mike.  He had tracked down Rudy’s manager’s great grand niece in Florida but she didn’t know anything about it.  He finally found a complete copy of the estate sale catalog!  The archive wouldn’t let him copy the whole thing, but he was allowed to copy a few pages.  He emailed them to me.

Listed in Section Six under “Jewelry”
#727:  Original Valentino Slave Bracelet.
Solid Platinum links.  This is the famous design introduced by Mr. Valentino in America and worn by him at all times.  Approximately 2½ ounces of pure platinum.

At the end of the email, Mike asked one question.  “How did you know?”

My answer.... “I just knew.”

1 comment:

  1. Per research I discovered that Alberto Valentino retained the bracelet. It was sold much later on ...
