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© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Sorry for the delay in responding to the we all know..linear time right now is an illusion. The roller coaster that Katherine is on is one she will have to ride for awhile...but it is a good ride...amazing how when love enters your life you lose weight, fix your hair etc...a lot of the extra weight that people carry around is what I call emotional armoring. When we are depressed..which only means we have repressed emotions..things that we have pushed deep inside and have not dealt can then manifest in the physical realm as extra pounds...

When Katherine starts to awaken and remember and more importantly FEEL...there is movement on all levels, she is getting unstuck. Many times we can get trapped in our lives in patterns that have nothing to do with who we really are or why we are here. Katherine has had and still has a wonderful life...but buried under it all something deep in her subconscious mind..there is a deep disturbing memory that is haunting her. In my world that is unfinished business from another time and place.

The pursuit of Rudy and his films and the book "Dark Lover" may seem to traditional therapist as an the intuitive therapy and healing that I do with people I learned a long time ago not to judge and label people's emotional experiences. I have learned that when someone has such an intense reaction to situations there is a reason. I have also had people who were totally imbalanced and living in a dangerous fantasy world with famous people, that were just you know what crazy.

After forty years of doing my work I know the difference and I knew right away Katherine and her experiences were different...the moment reactions that she was having for example to him being taller than reported in the book and her knowing he was 5'9'' impressed me..especially her noticing that Mr. Fairbanks was standing on his tippy toes..I also love that she pursued it and contacted the author...every step of the way Katherine has used both sides of her brain to understand and feel and then prove what she is feeling.

The pain and despair that she felt and anger were beyond a normal reaction..she was remembering from a different place and knew the truth...the reaction to the circus atmosphere were real and coming from a fierce love for Rudy and wanting to protect him and because she knew HIM not the hype and spin created about him as a star.

When I was a small child I would blurt out all the time in the Baptist church that I was brought up in things like (and this was when I was 3 years old) no Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute and if the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were all men how did anything get created??? I was, as was happening to Katherine, remembering the truth and not what was dogma in a book...more on that later...I am giving this as an example of things that have happened in my life that are similar to the way Katherine felt and reacted when her memories and truth were not what she was reading.

The pain and torment that she then fell into is also normal, the high and then the low of emotional experiences and the memory of the sudden loss of Rudy..and at this point of what we are writing about not knowing the details...trying to find the missing pieces to the of the hardest stages in remembering things from other times and places. The fragmentation is painful...but it is an illusion...Katherine pushed on and I am in awe of how she survived all of this on her own..remember at this point in what she is writing about we have not met yet.....she is a very brave person and brave to share her journey with all of me this is just the tip of the is an amazing journey....more next time...

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