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© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Oh here we go again what an adventure...LA is so alive and different than most people imagine..I love staying in the Hollywood Hills the suite that I have is the reverse of my home address 1008...and it was on the side of the Sunset Towers where I could see Merlin's house up on Miller drive..amazing...happy that I got to see him before he took off for the Cannes Film festival.

We went to The Chateau Marmont..amazing hotel...and restaurant for lunch...I had been there last fall with Merlin and friends at night at the bar lots of fun, and thought Katherine would love it as well...actually Rudy was guiding us there as well...we sat in a lovely courtyard, producers, movie deals being discussed around us, your ingenues hoping to be discovered ..quite amusing really...I take out a camera to take photos of the architecture...and the plants...(I swear) and a hotel official emerges and tells me photos are not allowed...I guess to protect the many celebs that frequent this place..believe me I have no interest in photos of those people...I got in six photos...Rudy found all of this very amusing...

A day and evening of relaxing and a cab to Whitney's who lives on Wonderland Ave in Laurel Canyon, not far from Jim Morrison's house...she is my friend I have known for 35 years...wonderful creative woman who has lost her vision due to a vaccination she had...we are working on healing her...praying for her sight to return....Katherine mentioned that we were relaxed..maybe she was..guess who got to drive Whitney's older model green Mercedes....ME...I love to drive but even backing down her driveway...steep beyond belief and angled...I agreed to drive us in the LA traffic if someone else would back the car down to the street...Dennis, Whitney's friend agreed to...then we were off...enjoyed the driving most of the time..Rudy also found all of this very amusing.

I drove up to Yamashiros and what a view of Hollywood ...will put up photos ...wonderful dinner..with two interesting women...we had a ball...laughed and enjoyed the energy there....Rudy of course loved every minute of it...we decided to drive down to explore Hollywood, the street was blocked off so we parked and looked around and then left...we had to go rest up for the next adventure....and oh what a day it was going to be...

Back to Laurel Canyon to pick up Robert and Whitney..this time not in a cab or me driving...Steven our wonderful driver and now friend..drove us there in a fabulous we went..Robert is very spry and full of life..he is in his 80's you would never know it...he was so entertaining...and full of stories about Falcon Lair and the time he and his family lived was all so unreal...I still marvel at how this all evolved...yet here we were a long way from Indianapolis sitting in my reading room talking about Rudy and his communications..we were living it.

It was a ride full of anticipation as we wound our way through Beverly Hills to Bella we drove up my heart was racing...I felt a strange sensation of fear and apprehension as we neared the house I quickly got out my camera...Steven had to go up and turn around...everyone got out of the car...I lagged behind and started taking photos..unusual for me I am usually the first one to ring the doorbell..Whitney, Robert and Katherine were approaching the house, Rudy told me to start taking photos I love the one of the Flowers..we believe he planted those bushes..and if you look there is a mist in the photo I believe to be Rudy showing off his Spirit self.

An unkempt man came out and said that he was house sitting...the original house had been torn down in 2005 the shell remained it was heart breaking for me and devastating for Katherine..we found out later..Robert called this man that he knew Rudy's brother...but at that moment he was quite unfriendly and I photographed Katherine in a disturbed state walking was so sad to be turned away from a place that we all should have been welcomed to...Rudy was sad and sickened...but also I felt a healing of the place occurring.

We went to the end of the road to the gates of what was Roman Polanski's home where his lovely pregnant wife, Sharon Tate had been murdered in the 60's by members of the Manson Family...Robert had told me earlier when I had met him that he remembered seeing Manson at the end of the road on a few occasions think he was living at Falcon Lair in that was sad we looked through the gates and I sent healing energy to clear that event from the land there.

We drove away and as we left the mood quickly changed to a lighter to Topanga Canyon to the Inn of The Seven Rays...wonderful drive almost to Malibu...the restaurant is a wonderful place where time has stood is like time traveling back to the 1960's ..wonderful outdoor exotic seating, Buddhas and other statues and fountains decorate this outdoor wonderland...we were seated by the stream that flows by the this place..had organic, gorgeous food prepared with great energy...Rudy loved this place..loved it....

Back to LA and more and more stories of Rudy and reviewing our days adventures...The Church of the Good Shepherd where Rudy's funeral took place..we drove right by it...I could feel the energy and go back in time to 1926...many layers of energy there....all of this was a healing experience for all of could see that the journey back in time and to Falcon Lair was happening at the perfect time for brought lifetimes of healing into present much to digest and ponder upon....the story to this day keeps unfolding...

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