Wow a flood gate of emotion and memory are engulfing me read what I said in Katherine's reading is so gives me the opportunity to understand myself, and my readings in a truly dimensional way. I figure that in 40 years I have done probably 80 to a 100 THOUSAND readings...yikes..not to mention healing on people, animals and places..thousands of spiritual teachings , retreats and workshops..and in all these years..something new is happening.
Again the gift that Katherine has given me is a blessing..I have wanted to write, research understand and explain what I do for years now..but have always had to a matter of fact three different past students of mine wrote books from my tapes and lectures..and didn't even give me any kind of credit in "their" this is Spirits way of forcing ME to write and heal past betrayals, and patterns.
I knew that I was in a new era with my work when I saw Katherine decked out in clothes from the 20's and looking like a very young woman the minute she walked in...I see what people looked like in other times and places during the reading, but not usually the minute they walk in the door. I also was fascinated by what I said about seeing her emotional body split open...that was also unusual as well..but now I understand it all...Katherine was already on the incredible journey with Rudolph Valentino for awhile and when she walked into my world I immediately became part of it and could see, hear, feel , smell and almost taste it.
I dwell in a dimensional place I have had to learn to be in this birth I never fully came on down so to speak, as I have mentioned before, I can remember my birth and where I was before. Who I am now and what I do I have done forever through many lives. Most people come into a reading with things going on in their energy fields that can be quite intense..but for the first time someone walked into a session fully connected to, and manifesting their previous incarnation into their now reality...and had the person on the other side totally participating and from how I know Rudy now, he was also orchestrating the whole thing.
Then he started in already about his bracelet...where is it..and got really angry when Katherine said she had read that he had been buried with it on...he told me NO he was not buried with it on...He is as dynamic on the other side as he was in this level..there is a constant running dialogue of his opinions about almost everything..and what he has shared and commented on has been proven to be true and verified every step of the way...he is with me now making comments..he is very bossy..and Katherine just for the record, he is still hating the fabric on the two chairs in your living room..LOL..
When I run energy on people I become one with the Light and become a conduit Holy Spirit is doing the transmutation ....and this is nothing I studied or read in a book...more on that later...good night all sending you all love and healing energy..M
Again the gift that Katherine has given me is a blessing..I have wanted to write, research understand and explain what I do for years now..but have always had to a matter of fact three different past students of mine wrote books from my tapes and lectures..and didn't even give me any kind of credit in "their" this is Spirits way of forcing ME to write and heal past betrayals, and patterns.
I knew that I was in a new era with my work when I saw Katherine decked out in clothes from the 20's and looking like a very young woman the minute she walked in...I see what people looked like in other times and places during the reading, but not usually the minute they walk in the door. I also was fascinated by what I said about seeing her emotional body split open...that was also unusual as well..but now I understand it all...Katherine was already on the incredible journey with Rudolph Valentino for awhile and when she walked into my world I immediately became part of it and could see, hear, feel , smell and almost taste it.
I dwell in a dimensional place I have had to learn to be in this birth I never fully came on down so to speak, as I have mentioned before, I can remember my birth and where I was before. Who I am now and what I do I have done forever through many lives. Most people come into a reading with things going on in their energy fields that can be quite intense..but for the first time someone walked into a session fully connected to, and manifesting their previous incarnation into their now reality...and had the person on the other side totally participating and from how I know Rudy now, he was also orchestrating the whole thing.
Then he started in already about his bracelet...where is it..and got really angry when Katherine said she had read that he had been buried with it on...he told me NO he was not buried with it on...He is as dynamic on the other side as he was in this level..there is a constant running dialogue of his opinions about almost everything..and what he has shared and commented on has been proven to be true and verified every step of the way...he is with me now making comments..he is very bossy..and Katherine just for the record, he is still hating the fabric on the two chairs in your living room..LOL..
When I run energy on people I become one with the Light and become a conduit Holy Spirit is doing the transmutation ....and this is nothing I studied or read in a book...more on that later...good night all sending you all love and healing energy..M