Marilene's Facebook Page

© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, July 23, 2010

RE: LED TO MARILENE ISAACS do I respond to this the forty years (yikes) of doing my work, I have heard amazing stories of how people found me and have also had no doubt that Spirit was at work as far the timing of when people call. In the old days when I was booked up 2 years ahead of time and have 1,500 people on a waiting list...Spirit also was at work..

I am being led for some reason to share this elderly man had been on my books for a half hour session for a year and a half...he walked in and the minute he came in his brother Jim started talking to him. He looked quite startled and when his brother in detail started talking about what they did as children, and how he valued him as a brother, he stopped me and said, "wait a minute I am confused, my brother's name is Jim and what you are saying is all true, but he isn't dead".....I looked at him and knew in my heart that his brother was indeed in Spirit and was communicating with me...

I gently said, there is no death it is a change in a rate of is like going from one room to the next, and then Jim told me that he had felt a pain in his chest and was now on the other side....and told me other intimate messages that I will not share here. The man was in tears but also looked like he had been touched by an Angel..I knew he could feel his brother's presence even though he thought he was still alive...

An hour later my phone rang...when my client got home his wife told him that his brother Jim had just passed over..he told her I know, he just talked to me through Marilene...think about that, he had been waiting 18 months to see me and during that half hour is when exactly that his brother passed over...He also told me that if he had not had that experience it would have killed him to have received a phone call saying that Jim had passed, because they were so close...he had total peace and it changed his life.

When Katherine walked in my door I knew immediately that Spirit had orchestrated a perfect timing for us to connect...Holy Spirit always knows..the Great Comforter always is at work...I took one look at her and knew that this was not going to be the regular reading..just like the story I just told..someone came in with her and he was very powerful and very present...there was electricity in the air and not one person, but two were here..and the connection I felt with Katherine and this energy were so familiar...yet I knew a new era and experience in my work was here.

Katherine speaks of me saving her life...she and Rudy also saved mine..for reasons I will explain another time I have had a block to you can see this blog is forcing me, in a good way to write...and it is healing many things in my life as well.

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