Marilene's Facebook Page

© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, July 12, 2010

RE: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In response to Katherine's entry "Four Horseman" : The first thing that I want to comment on is that linear time is man made and an illusion....Present Time is when past, present and future happen all at the same time. When we are in the dream state or in a meditation we experience this.

De ja vu works like this as the dream state you can dream things that the next day or a year later happen..for example conversations seem to be that way for me..I will dream something talking with a person or group of people and then in the waking state I will be having that conversation ...and going OMG I have already had this conversation..

De ja vu can also happen another way..this happens to me all the time..I will go to a new place and it is familiar to the point I will know exactly what a room will look like before I go into it or the feeling of familiarity is so overwhelming that it engulfs me.

This is what happens to creative people who use their imagination..they are imaging things from a real place..Katherine is a fiction writer and as she said a few years before Rudy entered her world in a conscious way, he was at work on a subconscious level..and a higher level. The theme of that story was a woman with a lot of fears who heals her life by falling in love with the Spirit of a silent film star..what I found interesting about that, is that she didn't finish that book it went nowhere..that is because it was her story but what she was picking up or imaging then was just the tip of the iceberg of a past life memory emerging. The exciting part is that it is not just a past life remembered..but unfolding and being brought into present life and time.

I have been doing my intuitive healing work for forty years and have done past life regressions and exploration with people that has been interesting and proven to be very accurate, not just fantasy. The thing that sets Katherine and Rudy's story apart from others is the amazing direct communication (constant) that Rudy has with Katherine and as I will be explaining as we go along, the connection he has with me and when we all get together it is really a trip..

In your life see what triggers you, I mentioned this before...what pierces your heart and evokes intense emotion...what seems to be a theme in your life that repeats over and over..these are clues to patterns and things from other times and places that you are working on healing. Pay attention to the things that connect, the images you are getting in the waking and dreaming state..they all are telling you your story.... 

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