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© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

First Session With Marilene (Part 2)

Note As I said in the last post, I will be using the tapes of Marilene’s and my sessions.  A lot of what you read will be verbatim from the tapes.  To avoid confusion I have established a pattern which I will follow.  1. Marilene’s part in the dialog will be written with regular type contained inside quotation marks.   2. My part in the dialog will be in italics.  Any thoughts that I may have had at the time or any comments or explanations that I add will be written in regular type set off by parentheses.

This session is so important because it sets the stage for everything that comes after.  I haven't listened to this tape in quite a while, and I'm sitting here with goose bumps as I listen to Marilene explain what lay ahead of me.  Every single thing she said was dead on the money!  From now on Marilene’s posts will be more interesting than ever because, it soon became very obvious that she was a huge part of the whole equation:  Katherine + Marilene + Rudy = ?  (I just read Marilene’s post.  And of course, she anticipated what I was going to write and discussed the strong connection between Rudy, me and her.)   

Begin tape......
"When I first walked into the room and I looked at you, I saw you but you looked more like you were dressed like the 20's, back in that era.  You may have known him.  That's why it gets complicated.  We can have known people but then we come back and they stay on the other level.  When did this start to happen?"

It started late in March and got bad in April.

"When is your birthday?"

April 18th.

"It's usually around the birth date.  People don't understand how this works.  The illusion is that we're separate from heaven and earth.  All the things about separation have to do with illusion and fear."  (Marilene starts scratching her head again.)  "He's all over the place in here.  I can....he's so happy.  It's like the more you've been talking, he's gotten active and playful.  And, he's chosen you....(he chose me???)  He's not saying this to me, somebody else is here, a big angelic presence.  There are 3 reasons why you were chosen, and don't ever think you weren't chosen.  (1)Yes, they're saying I was right.  There was a past life connection. You knew him but you were younger maybe 16-18.  He influenced you in the sense that he was very nice to you. (There is a long pause here as Marilene closes her eyes and is obviously listening to something I can't hear.)  There's more to this.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.....there's more that's going to happen.  (2)You are a very spiritual person. (I am?  That was news to me.) You're very open and your life was dormant for awhile. (3) You have a pattern that needs to be healed that is a matching picture to Rudy's.  People don't understand or get you. (Now, that’s an understatement!)

I look at you and all I see is your emotional body.  It is totally cracked open.  It doesn't feel good when you first go through it.  It's like a tsunami.  We need to work to get you aligned and in tune with him.  Then you will be able to birth this in, and it will be a joyous experience." (Here comes my first research opportunity)
"There is a piece of jewelry he's showing me.  He keeps showing me a bracelet."

A bracelet?   (It felt like my stomach flipped over.)

"Do you know what he's talking about?"

(Deep in my gut I knew exactly.)  Yes, I do.  It's the platinum 'slave' bracelet his second wife gave to him.  He caught hell in the press for wearing it.  They crucified him every chance they got.  They tore him to shreds and made fun of him because he wore a wrist watch, for Christ’s sake.  He liked new and innovative things.

"Was there an issue about children?  He's talking about children."

(another stomach flip-flop)  He wanted children desperately.

"Does anyone know where that bracelet is?  He is very hung up about this bracelet?"

In the biography, the author says he was buried with it. 

"I don't think he was buried with it.  We've got to find the bracelet.  He is so hung up on this bracelet."     ........End tape.

We talked about a few more things, then Marilene "ran energy" on me.  Folks you have to feel how hot her hands get when she is doing that!!  Yikes.

I drove home in a much calmer state, but I had questions swirling around in my head so fast?  I couldn't stop thinking about the bracelet.  Was he buried with it, or was Marilene right?   How could I find out?

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