Marilene's Facebook Page

© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


REALLY..YOU FOR SURE CAN'T MAKE THIS SH*T UP...this is the first time I have had a second to write again on the blog since Monday...and I am typing the title and realize that it IS AUGUST 19, me this was not Indiana and on my computer it is now 2:50am the in Beverly is 11:50pm the 18th going into the 19th in a few minutes...

OMG I just realized something else as I am writing this..and yes I am STILL HERE...LA has embraced me, Rudy has been hard at work...I was supposed to return home today....and the hotel..Sunset Towers Hotel in Hollywood, where I have been since the 5th, was sold out today so I had to leave....I have met the most wonderful people and they offered for me to move into their guest house in Beverly Hills..where I am at this moment writing this...guess where FALCON LAIR IS..RUDY'S guessed it..Beverly Hills...

When Rudy discussed the bracelet with me I could feel it and see it..that is how I work as an Empath, I become a conduit for whatever is being conveyed..I could feel it on my wrist...I could see and feel it on his and the most amazing thing, I could see it on Katherine's wrist..that is how I knew that she had worn it those days she spent with her Beloved Rudy, before his fateful trip to NYC...and some how even in that moment I knew she would wear it again in this time.

I really thought for awhile that we would find never know...I was so not surprised when her PI found it last in that time I was in NJ doing work with a family..I am now in LA doing work with a family..I still feel that it will pop up somewhere..the best part is that Katherine has the most amazing Husband...he had the bracelet copied for is unconditional love actualized...

Most men would be very jealous of a lover from another time and place who currently is in touch with their wife in this life from Spirit...not Katherine's husband...and he doesn't think she or this is crazy...what a guy. Rudy is commenting here and says that this is because on a higher level this is being orchestrated as a healing for everyone. When the High Self of ourselves is what is at work, petty jealousy and negativity fall away..hence the bracelet recreated and given with unconditional love.

I love the photos of the two bracelets..Rudy does as well...I have a feeling that some Rudy items are here in LA waiting to be discovered....hummm...please stay tuned in one and all and please feel free to ask us questions and make comments...we know where a table of his ended up..and Katherine and I saw Greenwood, Indiana..that is another blog can't make this sh*t up for sure!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Marilene, Cindy, and Rudy - how wonderful. Thank you, all three of you, for sharing your stories with us. Is there a picture of the bracelet on this blog? Cindy, what a truly precious husband you have, to have given you a copy of the bracelet. Cindy, do you know the name of the woman you used to be? Did she die young? Marilene - how wonderful that you are still in LA. Do you get to see your dear son often? I hope so. And Rudy, what is life like for you? Love to all of you. Deb
