Marilene's Facebook Page

© 2010 by Katherine Gallagher and Marliene Isaacs. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, August 27, 2010


HOW MANY OF YOU, US, ARE LIVING A LIFE THAT IS IN PIECES??? Remember the nursery rhyme about HUMPTY DUMPTY, had a great fall??? It is a story of "The Fall" when we as a group consciousness fell through fear (not sex) into the illusion of separation, from self,others and Spirit. will and does kill painful as the process is to RE-MEMBER, it is the way to wholeness and bliss. Pain is not our enemy, it is telling us that something is wrong...embrace and address what ever type of pain that you are feeling and you can morph it into positive energy.

The Incredible Journey that Katherine, Rudy and I have been on, and are on, is about that. Do the work my can heal your life...dig deep into the great mystery of life and YOUR LIFE....this is not a dress rehearsal or trial run this is it. The world is a stage...and I for one am tired of "strutting and fretting" on it..Shakespeare said it all when he said that. I am writing a new play and it does not include strutting and fretting..well maybe some strutting...but no more fretting!!!!

The pain that Katherine had been in her whole life is now being healed the fragmentation that was robbing her of her joy, is over...and for Rudy as well...and it has healed the way I do, and perceive my work and life.....LA has given me a new lease on life that would never have happened without Katherine and Rudy...I am eternally grateful.....

Katherine, I have had the same pattern in this life, meeting people after the negative women in their life before me hurt them, and I am the healer...been there done that no more....ready for wholeness...this adventure is also healing my personal life and how I perceive relationships....and I love Rudy's powerful...I invite all of you to read the poem again and then understand the anger and grief that he must have experienced when his "wife" had the two abortions.

The beauty of a healing of the past here in PRESENT TIME is amazing...Rudy has had time to set it all up and here we are...more on that to all time to LIVE.....

1 comment:

  1. People often want counselors to heal them, fix them. In a relationship, we can reach for that. Playing doctor gets old.

    Reality to me is that people compliment each other, like the goddess and the god, then they can reach wholeness. JMHO

    Give and take. Jesus talked of it and many others. What often happens is that one gives and the other takes so often, when it should be a continuous give receive circle serving and served.

    And that kind of selfishness, so rampant in Hollyweird as I call it, is so dark. It's part of the merry go round Marilene has talked about where we are too busy with the shiny stuff we neglect that which heals.
